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52 packages published
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Fast and flexible JSON Parsing.
The core functionality to monitor actors
A framework to manage VI front panels
An Actor Framework implementation of MGI's Panel Manager Framework
An implementation of the Semver spec.
Basic helpful reuse VIs
Provides a quick way to visual actor based applications
An error parser that helps decode error source strings.
Provides a Panel Actor Based error reporter.
An Error logging interface
An abstraction layer API built to help communicate with databases from LabVIEW.
Provides the basic interface for the MGI Error Reporter Framework
Simple tag engine with support for digital and analog signals with calibration where appropriate.
Displays Rendered Markdown
A toolkit to help easily build database queries from LabVIEW data types.
Provides Hashing functions implemented in native LabVIEW
A basic panel to log errors
Virtual class for DCI Modules
Provides a concrete implementation of the System.Data.DbConnection.
A basic file logger panel interface.
A framework to manage VI front panels
DCI Module for Omega MFA-1600 series flow meters
Tag-based logger
A DAQ module for interfacing with LabJack hardware
A DCI module for reading from a GP-50 pressure transducer.
Simple data viewer for tag lists
Manually simulated DAQ
Virtual class for all DCI DAQ implementations
DCI DAQ module for interfacing with cDAQ hardware.
A DCI Module for interfacing with a MINI Chiller from Applied Thermal Controls
A reusable UI for calibrating tags
DCI module for reading and controlling watlow modbus controllers
DCI module for interacting with a Gilson Fraction Collector
DCI Module for proprietary VPA pumps.
Virtual class for DCI Modules
Simple tag engine with support for digital and analog signals with calibration where appropriate.
Fast and flexible JSON Parsing.
The MGI Standard Error Reporter configuration.
Combine multiple error reporters into a single panel
Provides a Panel Actor Based error reporter.